I've been described by more than a few as hard to buy for. As the holidays approach I figure I might make life easier. For those of you hankering to buy me a special piece (and I don't mean a handgun), check out my list below. All of course can be ordered off The Mummy Chronicles Amazon site. Happy Gift Giving!
*These items are in no particular order*
1. Ray Sings, Basie Swings CD, archival reels found of Count Basie and Ray Charles.
2. Sneakers for Avon Walk
3. Nine to Five, DVD. Yes, the one with Dolly Parton.
4. Diana Krall, From this Moment On, CD
5. Silver bead bracelet to match my necklace, Tiffany
6. Hockey tickets
7. I tunes gift card. (Nice idea for a stocking stuffer H!)
8. Ina Garten cookbook (French cooking and/or Everyday one)
9. oneangrygirl.net t-shirt- exploitation one
10. Spa treatments I do love them!
11. PLANE TICKET to LA or New Mexico. Preferably in January. To see friends as well all need a bit of girl time to recoup and restore the soul don't we?