I watched the movie, Scoop, this weekend and thought, "ok I really need to get on this movie review thing, after all it's what my card says I do." Here goes...
Scoop (2006), is the first Woody Allen film I've liked in a long time. Stop wretching. Yes, I agree his prancing and sometimes wimpy mumbling and bumbling ways no longer serve as endearing or funny, but as a characterized version of his former self. Still, I liked this film. I think one has to go into the story of a young American journalist (Scarlett Johannsen) falling for an upper-crust Brit (Hugh Jackman) who may or may not be the Tarot card killer, as something that isn't wholly believable. The plot and actors are not believable but in a good way. The story moves along with some funny bits between Johannsen and Allen trying to crack the case of this killer while Johannsen falls for Jackman's Peter Lyman character. If anything Jackman is nice to look at. The scenes featuring Ian McShane are enjoyable as he gives the newbie reporter clues from beyond. Overall I did like the story, the scenery and dialogue but it was a somewhat forgettable film. Better than Allen's Matchpoint which made me want to stick hot pokers in my eyes but not as good as his old films. Which is the rant of the day. Is Lyman the Tarot card killer? Watch the movie to find out.